Malicious people

I have always since I made some stupid mistakes as a youth Followed the Law! yet I have carried the weight of my stupidity ever since , I would like to think I made good and have never broken the Law since ! I am now Disabled and due to my Disibilities have panic attacks and have had a couple of breakdowns, Skeletal Degeneration “Osteo arthritis” and Diverticular disease is also debilitating . ?Yes I get support from the Government DLA Mobility and ESA support for which I am thankful! Yet I try not to claim all the extra help I am told I can ,Because my Friends help some stay overnight when I am having bad times others Cook to save me having ready meals others help with shopping and my cleaning. I also have “Carelink” which is a real life saver!

The Problem with people is they try to make your life a misery , Malicious allegations re “I rent a room out at my home? (I have a one bedroom flat!) ?? I rent a mobility scooter space to someone?? (you need keys from the housing association to have keys and all scooters are accounted for due to limited space!

I have never in my Life reported anyone for anything maliciously or otherwise! All I want is a decent life without getting paranoid about rumours or gossip (I dont get involved) so Now the allegation has been made against me I hope when its completed and I am exonerated “Whomever”it was that made these allegations get investigated then the truth will come out about them Who ever they are! ?Its a sad old world when these people have nothing better to do but be malicious and vindictive without any cause . Personally I really dont want to live in a world that the People can be so nasty ! dont they know the stress they cause? the worry and the Paranoia that goes through the accused mind!? so very sad . my physical pain and now my mental state is getting so I just no longer want to go on I dont want to fight anymore I fell like I just want to give up !

Yet I cant as that may be construed as an admission of guilt ! and I am certainly not guilty of any of this rubbish

Madness “A state of mind”

What with Trump in the Whitehouse, May in number 10, both acting like dictators. I wonder what the world is cooing to?

BBC,s reporting a obviously biased opinion and to be perfectly honest a rather misrepresented view on FACTS, I  can understand Trump banning them from his press conferences! Sadly the BBC appear to have affiliated themselves to the Tory Party or at least Tory rhetoric! This should on its own have them hauled over the coals and stop the licence fee! BBC are supposed to be impartial and give News as is not sexed up (or dumbed down)to suit their tory masters, Whilst we are given as Trump calls it “False facts”or doctored news following any political partys rhetoric we end up with complete madness or is it my state of mind? To many things are either wrongly reported and we get told a pack of lies instead of good old Facts, surely the BBC should be better than this ? How can the viewer make an informed judgement if the news we are given contains errors or rhetoric from one side or the other without being told both sides views on a subject or again Facts it cant be just me thats confused? Look at the own goal by the establishment and media re Jeremy Corbyn’s tax returns !own goal by the media this time! Is it that they are afraid of him so try to oust him? I seriously don’t know! Its madness or my state of mind !

Annus horribilis

What a year, And its not over yet! back in March My lovely Mother Passed away,Partly due to her treatment in hospital(neglect) then yesterday my Father also Passed away,He thankfully passed away peacefully in his sleep “hands behind his head laying on the sofa with the TV on! I think about the different lives my Parents led ,Mum working two jobs when we were small just to make ends meet !  Her refusal to take money off my Father and my Brother and sisters Father for maintenance ! and her Hard working ethics Refusing to Claim benefits. then my Dad Royal Navy for 26 years ,he Married the “Babysitter” he also was a hard worker after the Navy he had a removal firm was a Lorry driver Long distance he had a Son with his new wife after 11 years of trying,Sadly Paul was born with oxygen starvation and subsequently ha learning difficulties,he lives in a care home quite content as long as he has credit on his phone!Both my Parents were hard workers my Father was a hard drinker as well didnt like tea or coffee just drank neat Vodka!I met up with my Dad after 35 years of no contact and e got on well apart from my dislike of his drinking habit I tried so hard to get him to cut down but to no avail. He developed “Alcohol induced Alzheimers” I was forever bailing him out financialy and making sure his food cupboards were stocked same as his fridge freezer! he wa a bit of a bugger but I still loved him He wa a real character, sadly I wont be getting any more 2am phone calls from him!

I am happy in the knowledge that both he and my Mum and his wife are at least now in a better place! no pain! no anger! no Sorrow! Now its Just me feeling alone sad but happy wondering who will say what when it is my turn to go? What a Year !!!!

Two-way mirrors, hidden observers: welcome to the Department for Work and Pensions laboratory.

This is again an import from America,ATOS parent company tried using exactly the same thing to stop medical insurance payouts, Until a judge in California banned it’s use! FACT

Politics and Insights

I regularly write to raise concerns about the current government’s misuse of psychologyin public policies and research. There has been a shift towards the formulation of targeted, class contingent policies which has the central aim of “changing behaviours.” This neo-behaviourist approach has some profound implications for democracy and constrains the basic liberties of targeted citizens.

On the government website, a contract finderfor the “Provision of Research Laboratory Facilities” for the Department for Work and Pensions says:

“The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) requires research to be undertaken, in a research laboratory environment, with recipients of the Carers Allowance and recipients of the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).

In a typical lab situation DWP shall have one DWP researcher in a room with the participant and other DWP researchers (if appropriate) and invited observers behind a two way mirror evaluating what is happening. As well as…

View original post 1,371 more words

Sadiq Khan

I honestly do not know what Sadiqu is thinking? I thought he was a honest politician, I now wonder Jeremy  Corbyn’s supporter’s helped him become Mayor of London mainly because of his refusal to be drawn into taking sides in the Labour leadership debacle!  Plus of course the horror of Zac Goldsmiths  comments during the race to become mayor! If Sadiqu had not won then the PLP would have more made up ammunition against Corbyn.

What now saddens me is Sadiqu has either been conservative with the truth prior to winning or he has been pressured into joining Owen Smiths camp! Or God forbid he was a supporter of Smith all along then it just shows more and more that these Labour MPS are only in politics to feather their own nests! Sadly more and more MPS forget WHO they are supposed to represent! US we the voter!

Sadiqu you have seriously gone down in my estimation!  I believed in you! As did many others,You have not given Jeremy Corbyn’sleadership a true chance! It’s obvious that as soon as Jeremy was elected a group had convened  to scupper any chance he had of becoming  PM, Fortunately the people will decide who becomes leader and I hopewith all my heart he proves the media and the disloyal labour MPs wrong and WINS !

My biggest hate and I don’t use that word often is Disloyalty, sadly you have shown your loyalty stands with Corporate establishment money  rather than the grass roots of All political parties  “the people ” I am sure you will sadly see this next Mayoral elections!

Out of touch BBC

After reading that the BBC think it’s “Islamaphobic” to disallow Sharia law in Britain, I honestly wonder what planet they are on? As a young man I travelled all over western Europe and  North America, I understood before I left the UK about different cultures and laws. I also understood the penalties for breaking laws of the country I was in could be harsh! Never once have I heard of a Briton trying to enforce UK laws in any Country I have had the good fortune to visit! So why on earth should the British even consider a set of laws that are completely aliento us? And why the he’ll are the BBC saying it is “Islamaphobic”? This really is a step too far! The BBC should in my humble opinion be prosecuted for stoking the fire ,causing unrest and division among the many Muslims who are happy enough to live here in Great Britain and follow our laws! Many Muslims do not agree with Sharia laws so why would they want them here? I admit some of the laws make sense if you can not make profit from a loan! If the BBC carry on  with their ridiculous  statements then the licence fee should be dropped or a “opt in” fee could replace the licence fee,Let’s see how many would voluntarily pay to fund a company so clearly out of touch!

BBC bias

I have for the past few months been comparing the BBC coverage of the infighting in the Labour party, in all that time there has been only positive coverage of those challenging  Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership! Spurious claims regarding his friendships with Terrorist organisation or being a “Anti Semite” !

The BBC is funded by a stealth tax (licence fee) and as it is funded with the Public,’s money surely it should only report in an honest truthful manner? I have seen some pretty bad reporting and some interviews that have had the obvious agenda of besmirching Jeremy Corbyn!  Now I am No Corbynista ,but I do believe this man “Can” and probably will win a general election, my reason for believing this is simple! Look at every rally or public appearance he has! Look at the amount of new members the Labour party has gained!

I as well as many other Labour Party Voters have become sick and tired of the labour MPS who vote for Tory decisions, Labour MPS who “Appear “to be in it for themselves rather than for those who elected them! Look at their expenses claims! Then ask yourself what would you rather “A Leader of a Party that stands for the People?”  Or “A leader who steals another’s ideas and puts a watered down version towards his manifesto?”

The BBC as well as many in the establishment  (old Etonians boys club) have been anti Corbyn since he was elected! That is a fact that even a blind man can see!

I am calling for a review into the BBC because of their obvious Bias I truly believe that it is “Unfit for purpose ” I do not see why the public should be forced to pay a licence for something that does not do what it is supposed to do!

Only one interviewer on the BBC gives a fair unbiased set of questions and allows team interviewee a chance to give their response “Andrew Marr”.

I hope that unless the BBC start being unbiased the licence fee will stopped!

My views My opinion and yes I do watch BBC news and the Marr on Sunday show,

Labour party infighting

I am so fed up of watching Parliament when Jeremy Corbyn stands up to the tories his so called team members (Labour MPs) showing no support what so ever ! When are Labour going to become a UNITED PARTY? Now some Labour MPs may not like it that Mr Corbyn was voted leader, He WAS get over it and start acting like a team ! The Tories are on the back foot this is the time for Labour to pick up the ball and aim for the goal , whilst the Tories are at loggerheads with themselves! But No Labour is fractured even though it is not quite Broken its falling apart at the seams WHY? Labour should be running all over the Tories just now,  I sit here at home feeling so sad that the Party I believed in is destroying itself and along with it My hopes my dreams of a fairer UK a more Equal UK A UK ran by Labour! I cant see that happening until either the Labour Party start pulling together and starts using the energy that is currently used infighting to fight the Tories! Just because the Tories are a split party does not mean Labour has to be!!

DRs Strike

My lovely Mother was given the wrong drugs by an overworked Dr and suffered anaphylactic shock, this was an accident I know that my Brother and sisters are really angry at the DR and the hospital trust involved . People have accused me of not caring that’s why I am not giving the hospital grief ! The point is I have discussed the matter with the hospital and yes I am angry,But my anger is with Jeremy Hunt and the conservative government for slowly destroying what once was the envy of the world over! Our NHS if Drs were not so overworked and all Drs had to do an English test oral and written the mistakes would be a lot less likely to happen. My Mum is now lying in a hospital bed she doesn’t know anyone not even her favourite Son (my lovely caring compassionate Brother,) Mum appears as if she has Alzheimer’s although she went into hospital still 100% complis mentis,with a chest infection. Even though the unfortunate accident has happened to my Mum I really want people to know how much I personally back the DRs and their strike action ,I appreciate what good they have done and are still doing for myself and everyone else that needs their help!

Accidents happen tiredness kills we would not force a truck driver to work all hours without adequate recompense ! We certainly would not allow a lorry driver behind the wheel of a truck tired So WHY the hell does Hunt expect a DR to be in a situation where they are tired overworked and then not only a danger to themselves but to their patients as well? Will Mr Hunt stand up and state that he will be ultimately responsible for any deaths related to a DR wrongly prescribing or being instrumental in the death of a patient? I doubt it ! But at the end of the day he alone will be responsible in my opinion and I am sure many others will think so too!

Media and their failings

Sitting here watching the world pass me By, I often wonder why the media is so different one paper writes from a Tory angle another from a Labour angle, Non say it how it is ! Even the news on TV appears to be from a bias one way or the other BBC is Tory biased (perhaps only my opinion?) To get anywhere to what’s truly going on in the World you need to use the Internet!

I used to be a fit lively person but due to Spinal injuries and a nasty stomachs disease I am disabled,due to my disability and the way I have been treated I get panic attacks when I try to go out , so the news is like my eyes on the world and what is happening, so its wrong that we are only given the news the government want us to know ! WHY ??

The NHS and the Drs strike ,if we went by mainstream news reports its the Drs fault !But looking at what is being said on the net its Jeremy Hunt and the government who are to blame!

Is it not strange that the government decide today is the best day to report on the resignations of both the Environment secretary and the HMRC secretary? David Bowie’s death being front page (RIP David)the government seems good at hiding bad news !